

1 = sour 酸

acerbic adj. 尖酸的

acerb 酸 + ic …的 → 尖酸的

acetic adj. 醋的,乙酸的

acet 酸 + ic 某种药 → 醋的,乙酸的

acid adj. 酸的

ac 酸 + id …的 → 酸的

acidify v. 酸化

acid 酸的 + ify …化 → 酸化

acidity n. 酸度,酸性

acid 酸的 + ity 表性质 → 酸度,酸性

acidulous adj. 微酸的

acid 酸的 + ul〔= ule 小…〕+ ous …的 → 微酸的

antacid adj./n. 解酸的(药剂),抗酸的(药剂)

ant 抗 + acid 酸的 → 解酸的(药剂),抗酸的(药剂)

exacerbate v. 恶化,加剧

ex 使… + acerb 酸 + ate 使… → 使变酸 → 恶化

2 = sharp 尖,锐利

acerbate v. 激怒

acerb 尖,锐利 + ate 使… → 用尖刺 → 激怒

aciform adj. 针状的

aci〔= ac〕尖,锐利 + form 形状 → 针状的

acme n. 顶点,顶峰


acrid adj. 辛辣的;尖刻的

acr 尖,锐利 + id 有…的性质 → 辛辣的;尖刻的

acrimony n. 刻薄,尖刻

acri〔= acr〕尖,锐利 + mony 表状态 → 刻薄,尖刻

acuity n. 尖锐,敏锐

acu 尖,锐利 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 尖锐,敏锐

acumen n. 敏锐,聪明

acu 尖,锐利 + men 表名词 → 敏锐,聪明

acupuncture n. 针灸

acu 尖,锐利 + punct 点 + ure 表行为 → 用尖〔针〕点 → 针灸

acute adj. 尖锐的,敏锐的

acu 尖,锐利 + te → 尖锐的,敏锐的



However, all of them had a very sharp tongue and were very ruthless, tough and even acerbic in criticizing other's works.


An acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose; a barrage of acid comments; her acrid remarks make her many enemies; bitter words; blistering criticism; caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics; a sulfurous denunciation.


Written after a short visit to the UK ( his first), his essay is not just witty and acerbic, it is humblingly observant.


Perelman was known for his acerbic wit.


Research on Chaos in the Electrolyte of Plumbic Acerbic High Battery


He has also gained ground, even among Sunnis, by his increasingly acerbic attitude towards the Kurds, who many Arabs think have overreached themselves in the past few years.
