

ras, rad= to scrape 刮, 擦

abradant n. 砂纸

ab 去掉 + rad 刮,擦 + ant 表物 → 用来打磨的东西 → 砂纸

abrade v. 磨损

ab 去掉 + rad 刮,擦 + e → 磨掉 → 磨损

abrase v. 磨损;擦去

ab 去掉 + ras 刮,擦 + e → 磨损;擦去

abrasion n. 表面磨损

ab 去掉 + ras 刮,擦 + ion 表状态 → 摩擦 → 表面磨损

abrasive adj. 研磨的

ab 去掉 + ras 刮,擦 + ive …的 → 研磨的

erase v. 擦掉

e 除去 + ras 刮,擦 + e → 擦掉

eraser n. 橡皮;黑板擦

e 除去 + ras 刮,擦 + er 表物 → 用来擦的物品 → 黑板擦

raze v. 铲平;摧毁

raz〔= ras〕刮,擦 + e → 刮掉表面 → 铲平

razor n. 剃刀

raz 刮,擦 + or 表物 → 剃刀

1 相反

abnormal adj. 反常的

ab 相反 + normal 正常的 → 反常的

absent adj. 缺席的

abs 相反 + ent 存在 → 不在 → 缺席的

abstain v. 戒绝

abs 相反 + tain 拿住 → 不拿 → 戒绝

abstinence n. 节制;禁欲

abs 相反 + tin 拿住 + ence 表状态 → 不让拿 → 节制;禁欲

abstruse adj. 难懂的,深奥的

abs 相反 + trus 推,冲 + e →〔思维〕冲不进 → 难懂的

abuse v. 滥用

ab 相反 + use 用 → 不〔正常〕使用 → 滥用

abuse n. 滥用

2 去掉,离去

abdicate v. 退位

ab 去掉,离去 + dic 说话 + ate 使… → 离开说话的位置 → 退位

abduct v. 诱拐

ab 去掉,离去 + duct 引导 → 引走 → 诱拐

abject adj. 可怜的

ab 去掉,离去 + ject 扔 → 被人扔掉 → 可怜的

abjure v. 发誓,(承诺)放弃

ab 去掉,离去 + jur 发誓 + e → 发誓离开 → 发誓,〔承诺〕放弃

abrade v. 磨损

ab 去掉,离去 + rad 擦 + e → 擦掉 → 磨损

abrogate v. 废除,废止

ab 去掉,离去 + rog 要求 + ate 做,造成,使… → 要求离开 → 废除

abrupt adj. 突然的

ab 去掉,离去 + rupt 断 → 突然断开 → 突然的

abscise v. 切除

abs 去掉,离去 + cis 切 + e → 切掉 → 切除

absorb v. 吸收

ab 去掉,离去 + sorb 吸收 → 吸收掉 → 吸收

abstract adj. 抽象的

abs 去掉,离去 + tract 拉 → 将[具体意义]抽走 → 抽象的



Abrade mechanisms of Ni-P alloy coating are mainly adhesive wear, abrasive wear, fatigue wear and oxidative wear, while those of Ni-P-PTFE composite coating are mainly abrasive wear and fatigue wear, not including adhesive wear.


Abstract Not only do pollutants, like dust particles, H2S, COS, NH3, HCl and gaseous state alkaline metals, as contained in coarse coal gas, foul the environment, but they erode and abrade gas turbine buckets in addition.


The injury after falling has smaller cut, abrade and more severe loss, the coxa ministry fracture that if cause functional activity commonly, is damaged badly.


Especially, when abrade hard and brittle materials, ultrasonic abrasive could easily realize ductility removing. Therefore the processing surface is hardly ruptured, and high shape precision and low surface roughness is achieved.


Every case take out some samples to examine by erode and abrade test before it leaved factory.


To scrape or scratch slightly; abrade.
