wrapped up in

1. 醉心于……的

She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults.

她完全迷上了他, 连他的缺点也看不见了。

wrap up

1. 穿暖和的衣服

In cold weather you should wrap up well.

天气寒冷时, 你应该穿得暖和些。

under wraps

1. 不公开的

The plan was kept under wraps.


习惯用语be wrapped up in1.包在...里, 被...掩蔽, 被...笼罩2.全神贯注在, 埋头于; 被....迷住3.和...发生密切关联take the wraps off [take off the wraps]1.脱下罩衫[外衣]2.取消限制, 放松3.透露(秘密), 使...公开under wraps1.受限制, 受约束; 被拘禁2.不泄露, 保密wrap up1.包起来, 裹起来2.多穿衣服, 穿得暖和3.掩盖; 隐藏4.[口]完成, 结束5.[俚]安静点, 别吵, 住嘴6.严重损坏特殊用法alpha wrap1.α 形走带方式auto tire wrap1.汽车轮胎包装用纸azimuth cable wrap1.方位缆包bakers wrap1.面包纸bead wire wrap1.侧边金属丝制胎圈外壳elevation cable wrap1.仰角缆包herring-bone wrap1.人字包缠式shrink wrap1.热缩塑料包two-headed wrap1.双磁头卷带方式