a thousand and one

1. 一千零一; 许许多多

They were doing the experiment in a thousand and one ways.


by (the) thousands

1. 大批大批地; 数以千计

Application letters from all over the country were pouring in by the thousands every week.


thousands upon thousands

1. 成千上万

Thousands upon thousands of people attended the ceremony.


习惯用语(a) thousand and one1.无数的, 非常多(源自阿拉伯故事集《一千零一夜》)a thousand to one1.千对一, 几乎绝对的, 几乎可以肯定by the thousand (=by the thousands, by thousands)1.数以千计, 大批大批地, 论千, 按千(出售等)different in a thousand and one ways1.千差万别for the thousand and first time1.无数次, 三番五次the upper ten thousand1.[古、口]上流社会, 贵族阶层one in a thousand1.千里挑一的人物, 难得的[美好的]人[物]thousands and tens of thousands1.千千万万thousands uponthousands1.成千上万