a bit/little too thick

1. 太过分

We think it a bit too thick to do it that way.


in the thick of

1. 在……最激烈(或最紧张)的时刻

We are in the thick of examinations.


thick and fast

1. 大量而急速地; 频频

Traffic accidents are occurring thick and fast in the area.


through thick and thin

1. 在任何情况下

I'll support you through thick and thin.


习惯用语a bit (too) thick (=a little too thick, rather thick)1.[口](行为, 要求等)太过分了, 叫人吃不消in the thick of1.在...的当中; 在...深处; 在...正起劲时; 在...正紧张的当儿; 最炽烈的时侯lay it on thick1.过分(尤指过于恭维, 奉承)spread it on thick1.[美俚]夸大, 吹牛, 吹捧through thick and thin1.同甘共苦; 在任何情况下; 不避艰险, 赴汤蹈火thick and fast1.纷至沓来thick with1.与某人关系密切; 充满