tell its own tale

1. 不言而喻; 显而易见

What he had said told its own tale.


tell tales

1. 揭人隐私; 散布流言

It's bad manners to tell tales.


习惯用语A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.1.[谚]好故事不妨讲两遍。a twice-told tale1.陈旧的故事, 尽人皆知的事情pray a tales1.【律】请求补足陪审员之缺额; 请求陪审员全体出席So runs the tale.1.据说 如此; 传说 如此。So runs the story.1.据说 如此; 传说 如此。tell a tale1.说明了问题; 揭露了内情tell its own tale1.不说 自明, 不言而喻tell one's tale1.讲述自身经历; 发表意见tell tales (out of school)1.背后讲人坏话, 搬弄是非; 揭人隐私; 做小广播2.泄露内部机密; 告密[发]tell the tale1.编造虚假的故事2.捏造不幸的遭遇3.编造事实搪塞过去The shepherd tells his tale.1.牧羊人清点他的羊数。Thereby hangs a tale.1.说来话长, 其中大有文章。