习惯用语every mother's son1.人人, 大家, 全体(没有例外)a favourite son1.宠儿, 爱子2.[美俚]本州代表支持的总统候选人, 政界红人his father's son1.(容貌, 性格)象父亲的人native son1.本地人, 土著son and heir1.长子, 嫡子son of a bitch (=son of a gun)1.王八蛋, 狗崽子2.讨厌的工作3.(同伴间谑称)家伙son of Adom1.亚当子孙, 男人son of Bacchus1.酒鬼son of Belial1.坏人, 恶人son of dripping1.厨师a son of ebony1.黑人Son of God (=Son-of Man)1.耶稣sons of man [men]1.人类son of the Mars1.军人son of Momus1.滑稽的人, 爱嘲弄的人son of Neptune1.水手, 海员son of shame1.私生子son of the morning1.趁早赶路的人, 旅客son of the Muses1.诗人son of the soil1.本地人, 农民son of the spigot1.[谑]酒店老板son of toil1.劳动者, 工人sons of Liberty1.[美]自由之子the Sons of the Revolution1.[美]革命子弟会