snuff it

1. 断气, 死去

Their cat snuffed it last Friday.


snuff out

1. 熄灭(烛火)

He snuffed out the match with his fingertips.


2. 扼杀; 消灭

His hopes were nearly snuffed out.


up to snuff

1. 状况良好的

I'm not feeling up to snuff today.


习惯用语go off like the snuff of a candle1.突然死掉snuff it1.[美俚, 蔑]死snuff out1.弄熄, 消灭, 扫除, 扑灭, 镇压, 使...破灭; [俚]死 习惯用语beat to snuff1.打得要死give sb.snuff1.责备[训斥]某人in high snuff1.趾高气扬地put (sb.) up to snuff1.[俚]给(人)出主意take snuff at sth. (=take sth. in snuff)1.对某事生气[感到愤懑]up to snuff1.精明的, 不易受骗的2.够水平的; (健康状况)合格的