beyond/past all reason

1. 不合理的

Their demands are beyond all reason.


by reason of

1. 由于

He escaped punishment by reason of his youth.


in reason

1. 合情合理的

I'm willing to do anything in reason.


listen to/hear reason

1. 听从道理

Why won't you listen to reason?


lose one's reason

1. 丧失理智

The poor old fellow has lost his reason.


out of (all) reason

1. 无理的

To ask $5000 for a small house like that is out of all reason.


reason out

1. 推理出

Let's reason the matter out.


reason with

1. 规劝

I have reasoned with him as to his conduct.


stand to reason

1. 理所当然

It stands to reason that L.A. will soon have a major earthquake.


It stands to reason that he won't go if we don't pay him.

如果我们不付钱给他他就不去, 这是理所当然的。

with reason

1. 有道理

He thinks, with reason, that I don't like him.


习惯用语as reason was1.根据情理be restored to reason1.恢复理智bereft of reason1.失去理智2.失掉知觉bring (a person)to reason1.开导某人; 使明白[听从]道理by reason of1.由于by reason of the fair eyes of sb.1.为了某人的缘故by reason that1.由于come to reason1.清醒过来; 恢复理性, 觉悟过来; 醒悟for no other reason than that1.只是因为...for reasons of1.因为for a reason of state1.以国家的利益为理由(指执政者的借口)give reasons for1.陈述理由, 解释have reason1.有道理; 有理性have reason for [to do] sth.1.有做某事的理由[根据]hear [listen to] reason1.服从道理, 听从忠告in (all) reason1.合乎情理; 在道理上It stands to reason (that) .... ...1.是合乎情理的。lose one's reason1.失去理智, 发疯out of all reason1.无道理的, 不合理的render [give, yield] reason [a reason]1.[口]陈述理由, 解释, 说明自己的行为see reason (to do sth.)1.认为有(做某事的)理由; 看出...的理由the [a] woman's reason1.不成其为理由的“理由”, 讲不出道理的“理由”There is reason in ....1.(某事)有道理。there is every reason(to do sth.)1.有充分的理由(做某事)with reason1.合乎情况, 有理由with or without reason1.无论有理与否; 无论合乎情况与否reason out (a conclusion)1.推论出(一个结论)reason sb. down1.说服某人reason sb. into sth.1.说服某人干某事reason sb. out of1.劝人不要...reason with1.(以理)说服, 规劝