take the lid off

1. 揭露……的真相

They took the lid off a nasty scandal.


习惯用语blow one's lid1.[美俚]发脾气, 勃然大怒blow the lid off1.[美俚]揭发内幕, 揭露丑闻flip one's lid1.大发脾气2.发疯3.着迷keep the lid down1.[口]保守秘密put the lid on1.限制, 禁 止, 取缔2.使到顶; 使达到无以复加的地步3.隐瞒, 遮盖sit on the lid1.压制, 镇压take the lid off1.揭盖子, 揭露丑闻The lid is on.1.事情到了忍无可忍的地步。with the lid off1.真相大白, 原形毕露, 一切丑事都暴露无遗