习惯用语knight of fortune1.[婉]冒险家knight of industry1.骗子knight of the brush1.画家, 美术家knight of the cleaver1.[谑]屠户; 肉商knight of the collar1.[谑]被处绞刑的人knight of the community1.[英史]英国国会中的郡选议员knight of the parliament1.[英史]英国国会中的郡选议员knight of the shire1.[英史]英国国会中的郡选议员knight of the cue1.[谑]打台球的人; 台球记分员knight of the elbow1.以欺骗手段赌博的赌棍knight of the field1.流浪汉knight of the forked order1.园丁;花匠2.绿头巾爵士,妻子与人通奸的丈夫knight of the grammar1.[谑]教师knight of the hammer1.铁匠, 打铁工人knight of the knife1.扒手, 小偷knight of the needle1.[谑]裁缝师傅knight of the lady1.妇女的保护人, 情夫knight of the pad1.[婉]拦路抢劫的强盗knight of the pen1.文人; 记者; 抄写员knight of the pencil1.文人; 记者; 抄写员knight of the post1.以作假见证为业的人knight of the quill1.[谑]耍笔杆的人, 文人, 作家knight of the road1.流动推销员; 流浪汉; [古]拦路贼knight of the spigot1.[谑]酒保, 小酒店主人knight of the vapour1.吸烟者knight of the whip1.[废、谑]马车夫knight of the whipping-post1.[谑]骗子; 声名狼籍的人Knights of the Golden Circle (=Knights of the White Camelia)1.[美]【史】美国内战期间北方各州同情南方者所组织的秘密团体