crazy like a fox

1. 非常狡猾

The guy is crazy like a fox.


习惯用语as cunning as a fox1.象狐狸一样狡猾play the fox1.耍滑头, 装假set a fox to keep one's geese1.引狼入室When the fox preaches, take care of your geese.1.[谚]狐狸来说教, 当心鹅被盗。When the fox preaches, then beware of your geese.1.[谚]狐狸来说教, 当心鹅被盗。fox and geese1.(棋戏)狐入鹅群fox and hounds1.猎狗追狐(游戏)fox in a lamb's skin1.披着羊皮的狐狸; 伪装友善的敌人特殊用法arctic fox1.北极狐corsac fox1.沙狐little fox1.【天】狐狸星座Red fox1.一种镍铬耐热钢(商品名)silver fox1.银狐