as sure as fate

1. 千真万确; 命中注定似的

Whenever I'm late, as sure as fate I meet the boss on the stairs.

像命中注定似的, 每次迟到我都在楼梯上碰到老板。

the Fates

1. 命运三女神

He was known for his sculpture of the Fates.


习惯用语abandon sb. to his fate1.听任某人由命运摆布as sure as fate1.千真万确地decide one's fate1.决定某人的命运fix one's fate1.决定某人的命运seal one's fate1.决定某人的命运go to one's fate1.自趋灭亡have sb.'s fate in one's hand1.掌握着某人的命运meet one's fate1.死; 送死; 遇到命里注定要成为自己妻子的女人No flying from the fate.1.[谚]劫数难逃。one's fate is sealed1.某人的命运已经决定了please the fates1.如果情况许可; 若是一切顺利share the same fate1.遭受同样的命运take one's fate into one's own hand1.掌握自己的命运tempt (one's) fate1.碰运气; 蔑视命运; 冒险