dice away

1. 掷骰子输掉

He diced away all his money.


dice for

1. 掷骰子赌某物

We are dicing for drinks.


no dice

1. 不行; 没门

He asked for more money but she said no dice to him.

他要求多给点钱, 她对他说不行。

2. 徒劳的; 无用的

We tried phoning, but it was no dice.

我们试着打过电话, 但是打不通。

习惯用语load the dice1.[喻]用不正当手段占(某人)便宜load the dice against sb.1.[喻]用不正当手段占(某人)便宜no dice (=no use)1.没用; 拒绝; 不成功play at dice1.掷骰子play with loaded dice1.暗中搞鬼shoot dice1.掷骰子dice for1.就...打赌