comb out

1. 梳理

She combed her long hair out.


2. 仔细搜寻

They combed out the forest for the lost child.


3. 挑选

She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle.


习惯用语cut thecombof sb.1.挫其锐气, 使屈辱; 灭...的威风; 杀高傲气焰cut sb.'s comb1.挫其锐气, 使屈辱; 灭...的威风; 杀高傲气焰go through with a fine-tooth comb1.仔细查, 彻底搜查go over with a fine-tooth comb1.仔细查, 彻底搜查go over with a fine-toothed comb1.仔细查, 彻底搜查go over with a fine-tooth comb1.仔细查, 彻底搜查set up one's comb1.趾高气扬, 神气起来small-tooth comb1.细齿梳2.详细的调查comb out1.在...中除掉不需要的人[物]2.彻底查出3.搜罗4.抽调文职人员服兵役5.梳理(头发)6.有组织地进攻7.精减机构, 裁减冗员特殊用法arm comb1.腕栉blue comb1.【兽】蓝冠病, 禽单核细胞增多症capped comb1.(蜂)封口的蜂巢, [俗]蜜脾cob-collecting comb1.玉米芯梳集器[板]doffer comb1.【纺】道夫斩刀electric comb1.电梳flax comb1.亚麻梳genal comb1.颊栉grass comb1.(公园用)轻型草地耙guide comb1.导梳, 篦形板header comb1.切割器honey comb1.蜂巢oral comb1.(蝌蚪)几丁齿pollen comb1.花粉栉pore comb1.孔栉shearer comb1.剪毛机梳状底板, 剪毛机固定刀片square motion comb1.平梳机, 直行精梳机stripping comb1.棉铃梳摘器, 摘铃梳tarsal comb1.(划蝽科)跗栉terminal comb1.(海百合)端栉thoracic tracheal comb1.(介壳虫)胸气管栉type comb1.(打印机的)字梳ventral comb1.(毛翅目)腹栉vertical contact comb1.纵向触簧梳vibrating comb1.振动梳white comb1.【动】鸡毛囊癣comb of static pressure tube1.梳型静压测针