feel cheap

1. 羞愧

She felt cheap about her mistake.


hold cheap

1. 看轻

You should not hold it cheap.


make oneself cheap

1. 做出有损自己声誉之事

George has made himself cheap by his dishonorable behaviour.

乔治品行不端, 使自己名声扫地。

on the cheap

1. 便宜地

He is always trying to get things on the cheap.


习惯用语dirt cheap1.便宜透顶as cheap as dirt1.便宜透顶feel cheap1.感到难为情, 觉得丢脸, 感到惭愧2.感到不舒服get off cheap1.占了便宜come off cheap1.占了便宜go cheap1.廉价出售hold sb. cheap1.低估(某人或某物); 瞧不起, 不重视make oneself (too) cheap1.干出降低自己声誉的事on the cheap1.[口]便宜地; 节约地cheap and nasty1.不值钱的, 质量低劣的, 不象样的Cheapest is the dearest.1.[谚]便宜无好货。cheap of it1.[口]受的处分太轻; 活该