
Anther feature of this camera is a motorised film advance.


The motorised posts are designed to provide optimum travel and stability.


He was whisked away on a motorised cart with the knee heavily strapped.


The Imperial Gurad makes much use of mechanised armour and motorised transport.


CATIC proposed to have a manual valve instead of the motorised valve.


This way, manpower and motorised equipment could be used more efficiently and rates could be kept low.


After some debates, CATIC decided to proceed with a motorised valve. Rolls-Royce will design on the basis.


There, the cliffs are higher, but the silence is spoilt by motorised cruise boats.


It was not always the motorised vehicle that served as a means of transport in Singapore.


Greens who accept the need for personal motorised transport at all may thus have difficulty choosing.


Gate valves - Butterfly valves - Check valves Motorised valves - Filters - Vents ANSI valves -...


General Motors recently pioneered a "Sit-n-Lift" motorised chairlift as an accessory on its minivans.


Canon, however, elected to develop their EOS system with motorised lenses instead.


Underwater works. Maritime transport and demolition services. Pontoon bridges motorised using a...


The signals are displayed on a panel in almost real time and can be translated into instructions to steer the motorised wheelchair.


You decide if you want to increase the number of your tank divisions by stripping out a tank brigade and replacing with a motorised, then feel free to.


I heard about the Rickshaw Run a few years ago and thought driving across India in a motorised rickshaw would be an amazing adventure.


Apart from deaths from illnesses, one of the biggest threats to one's life in highly motorised Singapore is to be killed in a traffic accident.


This paper analysed the problems in designing logic diagrams of ON/OFF motorised valves of Lingao phase I nuclear power station CI and BOP part.


There are so many cars that hardly anyone uses a bicycle any more and the bicycle lanes have been given over to the motorised traffic.


The steel structure is equipped with n.4 steel wheels running on temporary rails (50% of the wheels are motorised with hydraulic motors).


We can offer slits with or without water cooling so they can be used on the entrance or exit. Motorised slits are also available with external stepper motor drive.


It also highlighted reduced physical activity because of the sedentary nature of many modern jobs, plus growing reliance on motorised transport particularly in sprawling cities.


Rolls-Royce confirmed that it is possible for Rolls-Royce to incorporate the Indicator Lamps and Control Push-Buttons for the motorised valves on their Main Boiler Control Panels.


To prove the point our former deputy prime minister crammed me into his motorised buggy and we sped uphill to his garden's main propagating house for hundreds of seedling trees.


Police in Australia have charged a man for drink driving in a motorised wheelchair after he was found to be six times over the legal alcohol limit, local media reported last week.


Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with Soviet armoured divisions;tanks, rocket launchers, motorised infantry, rumbling along in the deep dead of night.


Motorised flight is the greatest invention in the modern world.No other invention has had a more significant impact on our lives.Do you agree or disagree?


The parade opens with cadets from certain schools, then other infantry troops, then motorised troops; aviation of the Patrouille de France air force display team flies above.


Add to that fatalistic attitudes, inadequate emergency services, slack (or corrupt) law enforcement and an often startling array of human and motorised traffic moving at different speeds.


The average family modus operandi for holidays is to pack the children and a huge amount of luggage into a car or RV (recreational vehicle - a motorised small house with all the comforts of home) and drive thou-sands of miles.

一般家庭的度假方法是 把孩子和鼓鼓的行囊塞进汽车或者房车(一种活动的 小房子,里面有各种家庭日用品),开上几千英里。

Pedestrianisation, together with grade-separated and safe pedestrian facilities can help reduce the number of short motorised trips, enhance road safety, increase mobility and benefit the environment.


In addition, it arranges local sightseeing cruises around Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour and the picturesque outlying islands aboard its own motorised, air-conditioned Chinese-style pleasure vessels.


But, as it transpired, apart from the occasional display of motorised lunacy, the going was trouble-free, while most of the routes were in better shape than elsewhere in Eastern Europe.


There are frequent collisions between motorised carts and pedestrians in its narrow, curving alleyways, the vestige of a former railway line; an ambulance needs to be called almost every day.


Generally, negotiating for water brought me into contact with the locals in a way the motorised tourist would never experience, and I became very appreciative of the kindness I was shown.


Love life, enjoy cycling, car racing, making money, traveling, meeting new people from around the world, seeing different cultures. eating new foods, enjoy swimming, any motorised sport.


In mid 60s, Government restricted the towing of floating wood and bamboo rafts in the Hong Kong Waters.This measure directly promoted the growth of motorised cargo vessels and dumb steel lighters.


For that, he included a class of object that his subjects would have learned, by experience, have a tendency to move, but which past evolution could have had no purchase on: motorised vehicles.


Today's giant refrigerated lorries have difficulty squeezing in.Meanwhile, the three-wheeled motorised carts used to move boxes of fish about the narrow alleys are forever bumping into each other.


Motorised farm equipment operator


Anther feature of this camera is a motorised film advance


a motorised infantry division


a motorised unit


torized (motorised)



v. 使 ... 机械化 adj. 机动的

motorised roll


motorised valve

电动阀 带执行机构的阀

motorised crane

[机] 汽车吊车

motorised detector
