动词过去式: differenced | 动词过去分词: differenced | 动词现在分词: differencing | 动词第三人称单数: differences |
dispute | divergence | distinction | variance | dissimilarity | disparity | differentiation | tiff | quarrel | argument | disagreement | inconsistency | change | alteration | discrepancy | deviation | modification | transformation | discrimination | contretemps | opposition | unlikeness | conflict | inconformity | contrariety | contrast | distinguishment | imparity | judgment | wrangle | disputation | discernment | discreteness | dissimilitude | jangle | logomachy | nonconformity | squabble | debate | remainder | antithesis | inequality | broil | row | bickering | contention | spat | feud | rupture | vendetta | disaccord | dissension | antagonism | clash | dissent | dissidence | controversy | contradiction | strife | departure | balance | rest | excess | peculiarity | idiosyncrasy | differentia | eccentricity | idiocrasy | particularity | individuality | mannerism | difference of opinion | novelty | differential | rift | misunderstanding | variety | asymmetry | discord | issue | ground | cause | bone of contention | of | point | bone | question |
sameness |