

形容词比较级: angrier | 形容词最高级: angriest |


furious | mad | livid | indignant | irate | heated | incensed | wrathful | ireful | infuriated | cross | annoyed | irritated | choleric | fuming | outraged | raging | wroth | infuriate | sore | provoked | galled | nettled | displeased | huffy | petulant | peevish | wild | bilious | testy | explosive | short-tempered | spleenful | splenetic | touchy | quick-tempered | irritable | surly | tempestuous | bad-tempered | irascible | ill-tempered | miffed | hot-headed | hot-tempered | vexed | offended | riled | savage | peeved | stormy | strong | piqued | pissed | violent | bitter | turbulent | steamed | teed off | ticked off | in a lather | seething | rough | ballistic | blustering | irked | boiling | burning | squally | bristling | blustery | stewing | out | shape | the | bent out of shape | hot under the collar | under | bent | cynical | collar | dissatisfied | of | hot | off | in | teed | lather | ticked | a |


quiet | calm | unangry |