动词过去式: accustomed | 动词过去分词: accustomed | 动词现在分词: accustoming | 动词第三人称单数: accustoms |
usual | habitual | customary | familiar | regular | favourite | habituated | adapted | set | rooted | inured | normal | confirmed | prevailing | routine | ordinary | everyday | cliche | natural | daily | well-worn | stock | established | fixed | traditional | trite | frequent | well-known | prevalent | hackneyed | popular | conventional | characteristic | common | general | commonplace | household | acclimated | hardened | comfortable | addicted | naturalized | toughened | familiarized | seasoned | favorite | tempered | regulation | in the habit of | given to | prone to | used to | familiar with | acquainted with | wonted | wont | habit | with | of | given | to | prone | in | acquainted | the | used |