动词第三人称单数: pats
副词: patly | 名词: patness | 动词过去式: patted | 动词过去分词: patted | 动词现在分词: patting | 动词第三人称单数: pats |
In the current study, we have used electronic speckle patten interferometry (ESPI) to measure resin composites deformation in response to its polymerization shrinkage.
In 1 case GI demonstrated barium filled cystic tubular dilatation with “cobblestone” patten of mucosa.
胃肠造影检查 3例 :1例重复囊腔充钡显示 ,内壁黏膜呈“鹅卵石”样改变 ,2例阴性。
Lord Patten said China promoted the idea that one could get rich without needing democracy - and such an idea posed a threat to the West.
For example,the former Governor of Hong Kong,Chris Patten,devoted a chapter in his book," East and West",to debunking Asian values.
With long stape cotton and environmental protecting dye stuff ,the fabric adopt satin weave as base and variable weave as raised patten.
The threat looming from China is not to do with cheap exports but the "dooming of democracy", former Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten has told the BBC.
We can use singleton patten to control access to host program virables, and access to system resource also can be controlled easily.
Mr Cheng is executive director of the Hong Kong Bank, and has been a member of the Executive Council-- the body of top advisers which was appointed to Governor Chris Patten.
穿着笔挺西服,戴着时髦眼镜的香港金融家 Vincent Cheng(郑海泉)看上去倒不大像一位现代的马克·吐温,但他的预言却带有明显的马克·吐温的味道。
To seek the best management patten in enterprise management from the point of view of culture is a new management study,that is ,cultural management.