

动词第三人称单数: republishes


名词: republisher | 动词过去式: republished | 动词过去分词: republished | 动词现在分词: republishing | 动词第三人称单数: republishes |


China Daily's report on the mass trials of Xinjiang suspects “seriously departed from facts” and it is forbidden to republish it.


Notices based on original information, as opposed to those that republish information from another country, have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk.


5.If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.

第三十条 图书出版者对著作权人交付出版的作品,在合同约定期间享有专有出版权。

One has to log onto the adminstration server of the institute to republish one's webpage whenever one makes a change or even just correct a typo.


But he did not republish publish the book.


You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from this site including code and software.


No user has the previlige to change, copy, propagate, republish, distribute or store any information from this site without any formal approvement.

在未经本站正式许可之下,用户没有任何特权将本站的软件代码、数据、内容、 素材、用户资料等,以任何方式进行修改、复制、传播、转载、分发、储存等。

Republish your application by using Visual Studio or use Mage to sign the application again.

使用Visual Studio重新发布应用程序,或使用Mage再次对应用程序进行签名。

I didn't even know they were planning to republish my articles.
