

形容词: waggly


形容词: waggly | 动词过去式: waggled | 动词过去分词: waggled | 动词现在分词: waggling | 动词第三人称单数: waggles |


The paper synthetically introduces the reasons for vibration of hydraulic turbine/generator and waggle of basic shaft, as well as relnted countermeasures.


"Successful honeybee foragers carry out waggle dances when they return to the hive.


Into that crack I would like to penetrate up to the eyes, make them waggle ferociously, dear, crazy, metallurgical eyes.


Waggle the controller violently and your gauntlets will fire out dozens of tentacles to smother all nearby enemies.


The waggle dance research is the second of four projects in the five-year Sussex plan, which is officially launched next week at Ratnieks's bee laboratory at Sussex University.


Abstract: The paper synthetically introduces the reasons for vibration of hydraulic turbine/generator and waggle of basic shaft ,as well as related countermeasures.

摘 要: 综合介绍水电站水轮机和发电机振动及主轴摆动产生的原因与一般可以采取的对策。

Conversely, computerised bees that blindly followed the waggle dances of others without first checking whether the site was, in fact, as advertised, led to a swift but mistaken decision.


6Conversely, computerised bees that blindly followed the waggle dances of others without first checking whether the site was, in fact, as advertised, led to a swift but mistaken decision.


Abstract: The paper synthetically introduces the reasons for vibration of hydraulic turbine/generator and waggle of basic shaft, as well as relnted countermeasures.

摘 要: 综述水电站水轮机和发电机振动及主轴摆动产生的原因与一般可采取的对策。