

副词: cajolingly


副词: cajolingly | 名词: cajoler | 动词过去式: cajoled | 动词过去分词: cajoled | 动词现在分词: cajoling | 动词第三人称单数: cajoles |


Once detained, petitioners can be subjected to "thought reform" and "re-education" techniques that range from cajoling and threats to extortion, beatings and outright torture.

一旦被拘禁,上访者可能要接受“思想改造”和“再教育 ”,其手段从威逼利诱到逼供殴打,再到赤裸裸的拷打等,不一而足。

But after a little cajoling, he allowed some visitors in for a quick look around and approaching the furnace, he put his hands up close.


Although Congress was officially closed to mark the Jewish new year, leaders from both parties put aside their differences to begin cajoling opponents of the plan to fall into line.

虽然国会因犹太新年而休会一天, 两党在议会的领袖们仍将分歧搁置一旁, 开始苦口婆心地拉拢该计划的反对者们.

But it was apparent that the local and foreign fans from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Singapore, Australia and Japan, who knew the lyrics to the songs by heart, needed no cajoling.


She's always cajoling people into doing things for her.


The churches, NGOs and foreign diplomats are left to play the role of opposition, cajoling and threatening from the sidelines.


instigating, cajoling or coercing person to gamble;


After lots of cajoling from Saudi Arabia, OPEC's members agreed to increase their output of oil by 500,000 barrels a day, the first official rise in two years.


Yuan-lun is getting a bit chubby, so his mother often turns to threats, cajoling and compromise to have him drink less cola and get more exercise.
