

形容词: amphoral


形容词: amphoral | 名词复数: amphorae |


Amphora angulta var. ventricosa

n. 角双眉藻偏肿变种

Amphora coffeaeformis

n. 咖啡形双眉藻

Strombomonas acnminata var. amphora

n. 尖陀螺藻长颈变种

Amphora coffeaeformis var. acutiuscula

n. 咖啡形双眉藻微尖变种

Greek vase painter, named for an amphora decorated with a painting of Achilles and Briseis attributed to him.

希腊陶瓶画家,名字来自于一个提献给他的双耳陶瓶,瓶上绘有阿基利斯和布里塞伊斯(Achilles and Briseis)。

Amphora ovalis

n. 卵形双眉藻

Amphora crassa var. punctata

n. 厚双眉藻斑点变种

Still another theory posits that the symbol was used as an abbreviation for amphora, a unit of measure corresponding to the amount of liquid contained in a vessel of the same name.


an amphora pottery vase in ironsand

(瓷器名) 铁沙陶双耳罐